piątek, lutego 04, 2005


Planeta, na której mieszkam zamarzła !
I nie mam ochoty nikogo na niej widzieć, z wyjątkiem kilku zaproszonych i ciepło wyposażonych. Pozostali ... zdechną tu. Chyba że mają wizję zdechnąć, wtedy they are welcome.
Czuję energię i nie wiem, czy dobra jest, czy zła, jest mocna, więc ją biorę. I jestem trochę zła ... Każdy bywa czasem zły, prawda? Chyba, że jest uniwersalnie zły ... eh.
Nigdy więcej sztucznych słów o przyjaźni, tam gdzie jej nie ma.
He can reach me on line, he knows where I am, if he feels like he might come. But he never does. Why? Because. There is no answer. Or there is an answer but I don’t know it, and I do not long to know.
I’ve got my gun back

Brainstorm - She's My Love

Someone wants her body,
And someone wants her mind,
And someone tells the stories,
'cos someone wants her time

And someone wants her bedroom,
And someone wants her smile,
And someone wants to love her
To love her for a while

She's my love
I left her alone behind the door She's my love
She'll never be loved by anyone anymore
She's my love
She'll never be loved by anyone

And someone wants to take her,
And someone wants her dreams,
And someone wants to play games,
And she knows what it means

She's my love
I left her alone behind the door
She's my love
She'll never be loved by anyone anymore
She's my love
She'll never be loved by anyone
She's My Love...

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